Thursday, August 27, 2009

Net Art Lecture - Interesting

Today's lecture was on the internet and all of the different sites and connections that it has.

It didn't really feel like a lecture though because Jason mainly showed us cool sites and funny videos and didn't have notes for us to follow or write down. I much prefer this type of lecture - i actually listen and concentrate because it's amusing.

The internet is crazy - the connection speed from here to another country across the other side of the world is a matter of milli seconds.

I thought the elf website was prettty funny - its kinda scary as to what kind of people would sign up to that, and the fact that there is so many of them.. wow! haha.

Apparently twitter will rise more although i have a twitter account and have had one for a while and i honestly forget to use the thing. It's so stupid and pointless. I don't really see how you can get in to it... but if Jason says it will rise - it will rise.

And the saddest part of the lecture was when he said facebook will die. Right now i feel like that is impossible, HOWEVER i never thought myspace would die and it has. Although I don't go on myspace any more, i still cant bring myself to delete it... It's sad i know but i like to keep it there in case. It's not even because there is people on there that don't have facebook that i want to keep in touch with, i just cant delete it. I'm really lame aren't I...?

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